Relief fund for Jessie
Hello my name is Christina Forde. I am Jessie and Sue's neighbor. Jessie went to school with my daughters and spent a lot of time at our house . Jessie just graduated high school just a few short weeks ago. Jessie was severely injured at the hands of a monster in Kamloops yesterday morning June 19 2016. Jessie is in hospital in a coma clinging to life. It breaks my heart! To know Jessie and his humor, giant smile and the biggest blue eyes you would know that he did not deserve a baseball bat beating from an unknown man . I'm hoping that we can all pull together and do the only thing we can other than pray for his recovery and that is to help Sue Financially to help with Jessie's medical expenses and anything else we can to relieve that part of her stress and worries so she can focus soly on her son. please Pray for Jessie and his family through this very difficult time. As a mother i cant begin to express how deeply this news has affected me as well as my children> We all love you Jessie <3