Mental Health Awareness Music Tour
My name is Sophie, I am a 25 year old music PR from Kent. Having been someone who has been affected by mental illness myself I know first hand its affects and how important it is to talk openly about it.
Just under 3 years ago now I hit my lowest point in my battle with depression at the time and honestly didn't see a way out. At the time I had no where to live due to a break down in relationships at home and the only thing keeping me going was music and attending events still despite not knowing where I would be staying that night. I could of turned to drink or drugs but literally music was the only thing that kept me going. All my relationships were breaking down around me due to my change in character as a result of not being well and eventually I hit my lowest point where I just shut myself off and even stopped doing anything music related. I had to drop out of University and didn't see a light at the end of tunnel.
For me personally at this time I never thought I would be able to do anything music related again but I managed to get myself together and rebuild from the ground up. I got myself a job locally, moved into my own flat and started to write again naturally progressing into the PR. Now I have over 10 clients worldwide and I am building my own PR company Music In Motion day by day.
Therefore I feel very strongly about spreading awareness and the power music has to do this by bringing people together makes it the perfect combination. I want to therefore put together a Mental Health Awareness music tour hitting the main cities in the UK and raising money for charity Mind with each one. If one person can be enlightened by experiencing a night of live music in a room of people that have similiar experiences as themselves then that is a major thing for me. The dream would be to take this international as this is a huge worldwide problem and one I think isn't touched on enough especially within the music industry.
The first night named 'Music in Mind' is already confirmed and will be at Notting Hill Arts Club in London Friday 4th November you can buy your early bird tickets now from The funds I hope to raise from this account will be used to cover the costs of putting on shows in more cities and therefore allowing me to spread maximum awareness and raise maximum money for Mind.
Any donations are most appreciated or even the input from people who would like to help in any other way possible!
Thank you in advance :)