Trying to get home
I am updating this campaign as I don't know what else to do, anymore.
With all the tragedy in the world these days, my story is certain to be "under the radar" when it comes to compassionate outreach, but a tragedy it is all the same.
My entire life has been turned upside down by what has happened to me. I have been stranded about a 1000 miles from where I once lived and have been forced to restart my life with a debt load that is 40K and growing.
My current job does not allow me to catch up and so I just keep going backwards. The debt consolidation company I am working with is largely ineffectual due to my ability to fund the account in any significany way.
I struggle just to keep up with the day to day bills of just surviving and sadly, this collapse of my financial situation could very well put me out of work when I reapply for my gaming licence in February... thus putting a "deadline" on trying to reverse this tragic course my life has taken.
On top of it all, my heart itself aches as I watch someone I love struggle as well. I include this person in my story because I feel our lives have been inextricably linked by this chapter of our lives. I help when I can despite the hell I myself am going through but my heart aches for that "new day" for the both of us that, at the very least, might restore our lives to one where we could once again hope and dream.