Kandi And Brandis Journey
Ten years ago I met two coworkers, that ended up becoming two of my best friends. These twin ladies are the kindest, most thoughtful, hilarious people you could ever meet in your lifetime. I was lucky enough to become so close to them.
Brandi and Kandi have been overweight their entire lives and through the years have struggled to attempt many different weight loss plans and have failed every time. The insurance they have unfortunately does not cover weight loss surgery, it may in the near future, but I dont think there health can wait until that happens. These girls need a miracle, and they need something that will change their lives and ensure that they are able to live a happy and healthy life.
They have been in contact with a doctor that may be willing to help them in obtaining weight loss surgery. They would be required to move to a different state for roughly a year, which will be extremely costly. The money will be used to help pay their rent and living expenses while going through the process of weight loss surgery. The money will also be used to help pay any medical bills that they will encrue during this time period. We would need the money in a timely manner to ensure that we are able to make this life changing transition possible for them.
If my best friends are able to get the weight loss surgery they so desperately need, it would give them a chance at life. They would for once in their 30 years, be able to live. They wouldnt constantly be in pain and would be able to enjoy the simple things in life that most people take for granted. They just need assistance with living expenses and helping to pay medical bills. They have been given a possible opportunity to make these amazing changes in their lives.
It is unclear how much money Kandi and Brandi would truly need, but they plan to donate any extra funds they recieve to someone else that is in need just like them.