Kayla Winslow's Senior Project
Hello everyone! My name is Kayla Winslow and I am a senior at Sonoma Valley High School. For my senior project, I would like to raise awareness for the Sonoma Valley High School wrestling team in honor of my father, Deets Winslow, who was the head coach of the program for over 20 years. My dad was killed in a boating accident on August 9, 2014 and had always wanted to do a project similar to the one I am currently creating for him. I have been a stat girl for the wrestling team since 2013, and have grown up around the sport my entire life. For my project, I will be purchasing new equipment for the wrestling room such as ropes, lockers, pull-up bars, a sound system, etc. I will also be creating a scholarship in my fathers name, honoring an exceptional senior for many years to come. The final part to my senior project will be creating a Wall of Fame featuring some of the best wrestlers in all of Sonoma Valley High School history. This entire project will be my personal tribute to my amazing father. He made such a difference in so many people's lives during his 49 years on Earth, and I would like to give back to him, and to a program he invested so much time, love, and energy into. By donating, you will be helping to keep my dad's name alive for future Sonoma wrestlers. If you or anyone you know would like to donate, it would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to share my story! Thank you for your support,
-Kayla Winslow