Chelaine's Road to Recovery
I am Chelaine's brother, David and I would like to help my sister on her road to recovery. Chelaine struggled with a chronic wound on her foot for the past year and a half. It became infected and the infection reached the bone. She required a below knee amputation.
Chelaine had this procedure done on June 2, 2016. She is doing extremely well mentally and physically. She is determined to gain back her active life of baseball, riding, dancing and her love of the outdoors.
She will require many different prosthetics and medications along her road to success. Different prosthetics are made for walking, running, swimming, dancing and even for high heeled shoes! Unfortunately, they cost between $10,000 and $15,000 each. She will receive partial funding from War Amps for a portion of a basic prosthetic. But will require a more athletic style prosthetic to regain her lifestyle. She will also require ongoing drug therapy that their is no funding for. This drug therapy is approx $250 per month long term.
If you could find it in your hearts to assist my sister in her journey, I would be forever grateful. Seeing my sister enjoying life again and doing the activities she loves to do would mean the world to me.