Highway Angel
Hello my name is kevin i been a good samaritain on the freeways of san diego california providing free roadside assistance to anybody stuck on the side of the freeway and needed help for 4 years i drove a honda accord which to most people didnt look like a service vehical but it certaintly got the job needed done and was able to carry all the equipment nessasary. i recently lost everything to continue being an angel of hope i woke up a monday morning to find out someone stole my car which had all my equipment i had light bars for my protection on the freeway and all my roadside equipment to handle most situation also medical in case i came along an incident to where paramedics havent got there yet. Im raising money to help get new equipment and a new truck which would be more durable plus add to the amount of help i can provide to those who are in need of assistance the service i provided was jumpstart ,flat tire change ,small mechanical fixes ,if engine light was on would plug up scanner and give a diagnostics ,had a gas can for fuel ,water for overheated vehicals , first aid for injurys also tools to fix minor collision damage and i had a sedan incase they had a tow truck on the way and they had more than 2 passengers with having a truck i gain the benift of being able to pull vehicals out of ditches with a winch also some people break down and have a trailer that they carry but its an extra cost for the trailer to get towed so i could help in that situation as well also more safer than a car.
My dream was to help others and i know some mechanics and admired emergency response vehicals and the help they provide so i was able to get some lights(yellow/white only) and buy equipment and be my own hero ive helped thousands of people and my goal when im out there is to do the job quickly safely and get the people off the freeway out of danger and home cause nobody wants to be stuck on the side of the freeway and being stuck is scary when anything can happen i donate my time for many hours i work during the morning to afternoon at my main job and then i get ready to go out on the freeway for about 8 hours helping as many people as i can. I wish i had a video or pictures of the car to show but the footage from the dash cam i had was lost in the vehical and i cant really take pictures on the highway due to the danger. i hope im able to reach my goal to regain what was lost and to help restore the highway angel back into service.