Orphanage Community House in Zambia
Tax deductible
I went to Zambia in July 2015 to meet the kids at House of Hope through Global Orphan Relief. They are beautiful, happy, energetic kids that have a passion for life. At House of Hope there are currently two houses, one is used as a home for the kids and the other house is used for school and visitors. In order to take care of more orphans they need to start using the other home for housing as well. As a result, we are building a community center on the hill above the orphanage to hold school and as a guest house for visitors. We need $20,455 to finish the project and make sure we have enough room at House of Hope to never turn away a child in need and still have room for school and other necessities. We are already in the middle of building so we need funds to keep the construction going. If you would like to learn more about Global Orphan Relief or the project please visit https://globalorphanrelief.org/community-center/. I will post updates on the construction.
Shanae Pugh
Louisville, CO
Global Orphan Relief