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GodSaidWALK is making a difference!

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Welcome to the GodSaidWALK  GoFundMe Site!! We're so glad you stopped by!!

September 29, 2014

February 2015

April 28, 2015

May 2016

Welcome!! My name is Paul Price and I'm a blessed man.  Why am I blessed? Thats a great question. Certainly, its not because I deserve it.  But I'm so thankful that I am. On September 24, 2014, I suffered a massive stroke and wasn't expected to survive. I was in an induced coma for a month, and  had total paralysis on the left side of my body. Needless to say... If I survived, I was to have a tough battle ahead of me.  Well.. I woke up, spent 7 months in a nursing home/rehab center, 13 months in outpatient rehab, and am currently in the process of rebuilding my life from scratch. So, I've got a second chance and I want to make a difference. With your help, I can. This campaign is about helping people in recovery.  Not just Stroke recovery. Every cent raised will be used to build an online resource for families, patients, and professionals. The community is in dire need of a quality resource. When I started my road to recovery, there was no real resource for me or my family and there still is none to speak of.  Sure, there is Google. But, thats too broad for the average person. I've been through ALOT and I've learned ALOT about what it takes and I want to share the information that I've learned with as many people as possible. Its not about me at all. Its about all of YOU!! That's what GodSaidWALK is all about. Its a Movement, Its an Attitude! The faster we can reach our goal, the faster we can make a difference!!

                                                    Be Blessed & Be A Blessing!!

                                                    Thank You,

                                                    Paul Price


Paul Price
Newport News, VA

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