Loving Lindsey
If you're reading this, you've probably been touched by Lindsey, who is a wonderful mother to Adrian, and fiance to Nick.
Lindsey's journey has not been an easy one, but each time has proved to be a fighter. Since the birth of Adrian, in February 2012, she hasbeen riddled with complication. Adrian was born via emergency cesarean after a standard epidural left Lindsey temporarily paralyzed. After recovery from childbirth, she began to have spells of severe abdominal pains. After months of uneffective treatments, a CT scan revealed several infactions in her stomach, diagnosed as Diverticulitis and a fishula, reversing her digestive tract.
After years of suffering from flare-ups, in July of 2014. Lindsey found herself hospitalized again for the pains, the doctors still treating her for Diverticulitis. It wasnt until May 2016, when the doctors discovered a masss in her lower right abdomen and refered Lindsey to a surgeon.
In June, Nick and Lindsey relocated their small family 180 miles away to Rochester, MN. They knew being closer to the Mayo Clinic would reveal the answers they were praying for. An examination witht he surgeon resulted with a scheduled biopsy of the mass. After 2 agonizing weeks waiting for results, the family's worst fears were confirmed. Lindsey was diagnosed with Aggressive Fibromatosis, a rare condition that statistically affects 4 in 1 million persons. Although it is not known to metasticize, it does affect organs it is connected to aggressively, especially if left untreated.
A surgery will be scheduled with in the next month to remove the tumor and surrounding tissues. Revovery from the procedure is typically 6-8 weeks, unless complications arise.
At this time, Nick and Lindsey are making arrangements to be able to finance such a trying time. While insurance covers part of the expenses, the remainder of it is their responsibility, and are asking family and friends for any help to support this journey. We know Lindsey is a fighter, and we have several angels, and an amazing God on our side, but even the smallest contribution will help with medical and living expenses while Lindsey becomes a survivor.