Cancer is a Bitch
Donation protected

This June I found out some devastating news about my 9 yr old Pit Bull. She has Cancer and her time is limited. This dog means more to me then any animal and most people I have ever had in my life. She is my ride or die.... My skate partner... the reason I have never had to sleep alone... or feel unsafe and has always been there to comfort me. She is empathetic, compassionate and shown me what true unconditional love really is, more so then any human could ever manage. Jet is also my son's therapy dog and they have a very special relationship.
Telling my children was one of the most sureal experiences I've had to share with them. Even after going over some grieving material and books with them and leaving the conversation open to questions, trying to honestly address the uproar of raw feelings and the finality of the situation, I'm not sure any of us are still able to comprehend the permanent reality of it all. I have tried focusing on the awesome memories and stories that have made our dog a fixture in our lives and how lucky we are to be able to have her as our best friend and family member. Keeping in mind how precious the memories we are still able to make will be and that we intend to take advantage of what time she has left.
I plan on taking Jet to the beach and on summer adventures to make her last few months memorable and beautiful, not just for her sake, but for my family as well. Thankfully, Jet is not yet in pain so I wont be putting her down until it is absolutely necessary, and when i do, it will be in the comfort of our own home surrounded by the family and friends that love and adore her. After she is cremated I will take my children to spread her ashes in a very special and private place and the rest will be put away at home, on my alter to be honored.
I am HEART BROKEN and have not cried as hard as I did at my vets office and for hours afterwords, as I did that devestating day. I am so lucky to have such a supportive family that will be sure my baby will enjoy her remaining time and I don't completely lose my shit in the process. Having to face my own finacial struggles due to my new status as a single mom I am doing everything I can to save and prepare for the bills to come and I am counting on any money raised to make this transtion easier. Thank you for any positive energy or prayers you can give us in this time of need. The Universe is constantly reminding me of how fragile and precious life can be.
We are excited to mark off one of her bucket list adventures at the end of August, which is going to Santa Cruz to camp and take her to a real beach.... with real sand and the kids to run around and chase seagulls with her and splash around in the water! I will be journaling her adventures and updating her goFundme with pictures. My goal is to use some of the money for adventuring but most of it will be put away for her medical bills, hospice and cremation.
Falon Miles
Sacramento, CA