The Non Profit organization P.A.R.C has officially begin to raise money for our end of the summer trip for the youth of Plainfield. Last year we took 13 girls to the Bring it Live concert in Newark, but this year we felt the urge to take 50 kids to the The National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington DC! Currently the total cost per kid sits at $40 a kid with meal and snack,, but we want to lower it to FREE!! this is when your help comes in,, We need some items to sell at our yes league all star event tomorrow, we need donations, WE NEED IT ALL!!!! Please contact me if you or your organization can help out. All donations are a tax write off. .... visit our gofundme, we have paypal, cash app, Google wallet, whatever you need!!! The goal is $2000 by July 15th! #Faith #Ibelieve
Still not sure how we will select those that go, but it will be rolled out soon. ....
#support #nonprofit #needmony #urbanarea #Plainfieldnj #yesleague #msuskyliners
P.A.R.C will also emphasize the building of our community by bridging the gap to provide adults with enrichment workshops and information sessions through out the calendar year. Our goal is the engage the community beyond athletics, while providing enrichment and growth for the city of Plainfield.. Programs and sessions will be on topics such as Civic Engagement, Conflict Resolution, Creative Writing, Entrepreneurship and many more. I thank you in advance for your support #IAMPLAINFIELD #P.A.R.C #YESLEAGUE #PLAINFIELDSTRONG