Brenda's Clover
I have known Brenda Rooney for over 10 years. In one word, Brenda is a giver. She is the type of person who always relies on herself; never asking for assistance from anyone. She is a strong believer in Christ and attends Church regularly. She has always been there for me. She currently is dealing with very difficult issues and I am asking for your assistance.
Brenda has lived in the Los Angeles, California area for over 20 years. She is a transplant from Belfast, Ireland. She supports herself by working as a hairdresser.
In 2012, at age 48 Brenda was diagnosed with Stage 3C Ovarian Cancer. She went through chemotherapy, surgeries and other painful procedures. Never complaining she continued to work and support herself. She also kept her diagnoses and treatment very private. In 2014, Brenda discovered that the cancer had spread to her lungs and stomach and again she underwent difficult treatments for the disease. During all this time she continued to work and not complain and has held the utmost faith that God will grant her blessings of health.
Currently, Brenda is going through her second round of chemotherapy. During the diagnosis and treatment, Brenda has continued to work as a hairdresser. Never complaining she gets up every day and continues to work to support herself and pray for remission. Every week it is getting more and more difficult and I have watched her struggle to continue to work. She needs money to pay for her apartment, meals and personal items as well as money to pay to move back to Ireland to be with her family. Brenda has very little support as she has no significant other and has not yet taken money offered to her.
However, as she is almost at the end of her chemotherapy treatments it is getting more and more difficult to get out of bed and continue to work. She continues to pray to God that she has enough strength to continue through the treatments. I am hoping people will come to her aid and help her in this time of need.
We hope that bringing this out to the open will assist her with funds to support her for the last 3 months of treatment and to allow her to move back to Ireland to be with her family and support system. Thank you for reading her story and any help you can give would be appreciated. Please keep her in your daily prayers.
Brenda Rooney