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Help Local Artist w/a Table at C4

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I'm starting this GoFundMe for local homeless Winnipeg artist, Jamie Hogaboam, to get a table at C4 Central Canada Comic Con, and possibly a couple of nights at a hotel nearby the event this coming October, along with a few good meals.

You can learn more about Jamie here:

This man is kind, intelligent, and very passionate about his artwork. He's got an incredible talent and patience for what he does. For some of his hockey paintings, you'd swear you were looking at a photograph.

Not many people notice Jamie and his artwork (often situated at Portage Ave and Edmonton St in front of the Hydro building), and that needs to change. More people need to see his artwork, and I believe the more his artwork is exposed, the greater chance he'll connect with a professional artist or two (or three or four; the ones that have a thriving international business that can help him in the right direction). As well, he'll be able to make money on his artwork for the prices he deserves. Hours, days, and weeks can go into some of his pieces, and so many people have tried to undercut him, which is insulting to his talent.

Please help a fellow Winnipegger get recognized for the talent he has that no one seems to notice.

We're called "Friendly Manitoba". Let's live up to that name.


Heather McKechnie
Winnipeg, MB

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