Elijah Doughty Funeral Fund
Donation protected
This funding is being administered by Tjuma Pulka Original Nations Media Corporation as requested by Albert Doughty, Elijah's Grandfather. The funds on this campaign are transfered directly into Alberts account and will be used to pay for the cost of the Funeral and Headstone for Elijah.

We are humbled by your contribution for Elijah and would like to thank you for outpouring support and love we have recieved in our communtiy and across our Nation. Only 14 years lived. No words for his loss. The families and community remains solid in our thinking and in our love for one another. The wrongs and injustices are many, the ways forward are known to us all. It matters what we do in our days on this earth. #racismstopswithme #justiceforelijah

Stephani Beck
South Boulder, WA