Gaytan's Quadruple Pregnancy
My name is Charles Gaytan. My beautiful wife, Kayla, son Ethan, and daughter Harper and I have a one of a kind story.
My wife and I have been through a lot, just this year. In January 2016, we got married, we were so excited to begin our lives together. A week later, we found out that Kayla was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma.She battled a gruesome 5 months of chemotherapy, getting treatments every other week. In May, we were told awesome news, Kayla was in remission,However, We were told that having another child would be unlikely.
Unlikely but not impossible. In June, just one month after completing chemotherapy, By the grace of God, she became pregnant; with 4 babies. Yes, naturally conceived quadruplets! We couldn't be happier. The pregnancy was going off without a hitch, everything was going smoothly,
At 28 weeks pregnant, Kayla had a biopsy and the results confirmed a relapse of her Hodgkins Lymphoma. It's been characterized as refractory disease so a stem cell transplant followed by 16 months of chemotherapy is needed. With a heavy heart, we along with our medical team decided to deliver the babies by C Section at 30 weeks. As Kayla needs to begin treatment right away. Our quadruplets were born December 30, 2016. They are currently in the NICU and trying their best to breathe. We feel very blessed.
We've been extremely fortunate in our lives, however we appreciate anyhelp as we have a long journey ahead. Thank you for reading this. God Bless and KCCO