"My Way" 4 Cancer Treatments
Donation protected
So here is the big "C" story...after taking time to do my due diligence and research, I knew I had been poisoned by toxic mold at a previous residence which I resided for five plus years. Mold intoxication is poisonous and can have dreadfully toxic and very harmful effects on humans short or long term. We firmly believe the mold intoxification is why I developed breast c*ncer over the last several years. A c*ncer diagnosis is the end result of a body that has been sick for many years. The toxic mold was what damaged and destroyed my immune system making way for a multitude of health problems that I was diagnosed with in the years I lived in the toxic home. I was in the hospital for health problems such as asthma, brain fog, spine, nerve problems, appendicitis, intestinal issues, menstral issues and pain, bloat, fungal infections, depression, anxiety, sensitivity to light and sounds, heart arrhythmia, shingles....then c*ncer.
I was 42 when I found out I had Infiltrating ductal carcinoma c*ncer. I have a 4.9 cm pre-cancerous duct and two small tumors, the largest is about 22mm, plus precancerous cells in the duct. At the end of May, I went in to have that annual womanly screening and my second mammogram (first was 2009 after my big cousin and good friend were diagnosed with breast c*ncer). By Early June, I was recommended radiation and a partial mastectomy.... possibly chemo. The Doctor said next would be several surgeries and harmful treatments with chemicals. After much research I understood that the standard c*ncer treatments are proven to kill already sick people or cause secondary bone marrow c*ncer. I couldn't stomach doing this to my body which is my kingdom. After being given this devasting diagnosis by two well known hospitals, they left me with no adequate support to cope with the FEAR or even to see a NUTRITIONIST. I was alone and terrified to deal with my questions about c*ncer and wonder was I going to die.
After being in shock and grief, I grew courage and took my life back. During the diagnosis and detoxification period my family and I were devastated and afraid, but we managed to live life and enjoy the people we love at many events over the summer. I watched my son graduate from my alma mater at Capuchino high-school and then transition into college. My darling nine year old daughter continues thriving and working hard at Allen Decima school to be brave, smart and independent. One very important focus is that my daughter enjoy her childhood...she has a lot of responsibility to take care of herself and step brother, so please support me in making sure she is happy feels loved and above all else is given nurturing respect during my journey.
First thing...I knew that making significant life changes to save my health was of the utmost importance. While formulating my game plan to attack with every ounce of my soul and resources, I also had to educate my family and very few friends so they could be strong in this fight with me. I knew my team of supporters had to be of the compassionate, brilliant, educated and in alliance with how I choose to deal with my health and in return supply positivity and any resources to help me in this miracle mission.
Since the diagnosis, education and detoxing has been the key element in supporting my fight to reverse cancer. I was also given a great gift from an in-law....it was in that gift of information which we learned the truth. The Truth About Cancer by Ty Bollinger, gave me the "hope" I needed to stay focused on healing my body, mind and spirit first!!!! TTAC is a nine part documentary series put together by Ty of brilliant Doctors, Nurses, PH.D. and Scientists around the world who have been trying to spread crucial awareness about c*ncer and how to reverse it's effects.
I have found that through the mission to fight cancer "My Way", my environment became "clean". Fighting c*ncer naturally and by yourself is very hard work! I spent months detoxifying and fasting my body. Real dedicated detoxification and fasting is very hard and takes one with true perseverance to complete.
To reach my health goal, the one main and most important ingredient I had to REMOVE was REFINED SUGARS. Instead, I've applied more fruits/vegetable juicing or smoothies several times a day with applicable powerful supplements (plants & herbs). So far, in a few months I have lost 30+ pounds... EASILY. Now, through all of my research, and resources, I am working with a genius Doctor who intellectually and scientifically understands my goal and is himself a pioneer in the
real fight against "dis-ease" along with other warriors.
The method of treatment that I choose to kill my tumors are not the orthodox standard of treatment...yet. Although Stanford is getting closer. I have no time to wait for the revolutionary breakthrough there. After extensive research, I have chosen to be brave and think outside the box of conventional care. Today, I work with a team of Doctors and Nurses who are helping me tailor my IV treatments and other crucial therapies according to my very own cancer cells apoptosis. We work weekly building my immune system up. I along with my many are reversing dis-eases through education, commitment and diligence in treatments that are healthy and natural. I know my body's immune system can go back to normal. I believe if I work hard my body can kill the tumors on their own naturally... the way the body does everyday in people with healthy immune systems.
Unfortunately, Health Plan of San Mateo Insurance doesn't cover all of the costs of the powerful and healthy alternative treatments that I so desperately seek. The treatments I have are three times a week up to 4 hours a day for six weeks in San Francisco. The care and IV treatments are extremely costly, but will bring me quality of life.
If you can find it in your heart to support me in my journey "My Way", I promise to pay all my information/resources forward to continue the cause. Any amount is appreciated however small or significant, donations are welcomed. I am also receptive of information/resources that are relevant and in positivity. You can help me work diligently to reboot the "army" of an immune system in me, so I can persevere in this fight against breast c*ncer. Even if you can't donate here, find a family suffering and battling c*ncer or any other diseases and HELP on my behalf please. Don't walk or run for me unless it helps another family with c*ncer directly!!!! There is no help directly for c*ncer patients unless you are helping on the front lines with families....
I hope one day to be healthy and c*ncer free, so I can continue the fight in curing cancer within. I hope to bring "hope" to those in fear from this scary disease named c*ncer.
-A few facts I came across read, c*ncer will affect 1 of 2 men and 1 of 3 women. Currently, in San Bruno alone, I know about 8 women who have or had battles with breast c*ncer. That's just breast c*ncer. Do you know someone affected or with c*ncer yet? Not you? Count your blessing and take care of you...clean your environment of toxicities, detox your gut and eat healthy asap.
I appreciate and love you all very much and that is why I allowed this to go public. I will have updates after I've been in treatment for a significant time. But for now, all you need to know is I feel great after my IV treatments... I can only describe it as enlightened and keen of senses.
If you have any questions or information, please reach out to me or my husband. I have ABSOLUTELY NO TOLERANCE for negativity or cruelty, so refrain from such.
First, I'd like to thank my friend Stephanie for recognizing the awarness that cancer needs for real people dealing with very difficult life decisions and setting up the GOFUNDME.
I want to thank my Mom and Dad RiP 10/25/16, Alexis Chita Joseph for helping us with the kids...always.
I also want to thank YOU immensely for your direct help in the fight against "Breast C*ncer".
"Thank you" for reading about how I got c*ncer and supporting my personal attack against "cancer" the right way for me "MY WAY".
Your friend and family,

I was 42 when I found out I had Infiltrating ductal carcinoma c*ncer. I have a 4.9 cm pre-cancerous duct and two small tumors, the largest is about 22mm, plus precancerous cells in the duct. At the end of May, I went in to have that annual womanly screening and my second mammogram (first was 2009 after my big cousin and good friend were diagnosed with breast c*ncer). By Early June, I was recommended radiation and a partial mastectomy.... possibly chemo. The Doctor said next would be several surgeries and harmful treatments with chemicals. After much research I understood that the standard c*ncer treatments are proven to kill already sick people or cause secondary bone marrow c*ncer. I couldn't stomach doing this to my body which is my kingdom. After being given this devasting diagnosis by two well known hospitals, they left me with no adequate support to cope with the FEAR or even to see a NUTRITIONIST. I was alone and terrified to deal with my questions about c*ncer and wonder was I going to die.
After being in shock and grief, I grew courage and took my life back. During the diagnosis and detoxification period my family and I were devastated and afraid, but we managed to live life and enjoy the people we love at many events over the summer. I watched my son graduate from my alma mater at Capuchino high-school and then transition into college. My darling nine year old daughter continues thriving and working hard at Allen Decima school to be brave, smart and independent. One very important focus is that my daughter enjoy her childhood...she has a lot of responsibility to take care of herself and step brother, so please support me in making sure she is happy feels loved and above all else is given nurturing respect during my journey.
First thing...I knew that making significant life changes to save my health was of the utmost importance. While formulating my game plan to attack with every ounce of my soul and resources, I also had to educate my family and very few friends so they could be strong in this fight with me. I knew my team of supporters had to be of the compassionate, brilliant, educated and in alliance with how I choose to deal with my health and in return supply positivity and any resources to help me in this miracle mission.
Since the diagnosis, education and detoxing has been the key element in supporting my fight to reverse cancer. I was also given a great gift from an in-law....it was in that gift of information which we learned the truth. The Truth About Cancer by Ty Bollinger, gave me the "hope" I needed to stay focused on healing my body, mind and spirit first!!!! TTAC is a nine part documentary series put together by Ty of brilliant Doctors, Nurses, PH.D. and Scientists around the world who have been trying to spread crucial awareness about c*ncer and how to reverse it's effects.
I have found that through the mission to fight cancer "My Way", my environment became "clean". Fighting c*ncer naturally and by yourself is very hard work! I spent months detoxifying and fasting my body. Real dedicated detoxification and fasting is very hard and takes one with true perseverance to complete.
To reach my health goal, the one main and most important ingredient I had to REMOVE was REFINED SUGARS. Instead, I've applied more fruits/vegetable juicing or smoothies several times a day with applicable powerful supplements (plants & herbs). So far, in a few months I have lost 30+ pounds... EASILY. Now, through all of my research, and resources, I am working with a genius Doctor who intellectually and scientifically understands my goal and is himself a pioneer in the
real fight against "dis-ease" along with other warriors.
The method of treatment that I choose to kill my tumors are not the orthodox standard of treatment...yet. Although Stanford is getting closer. I have no time to wait for the revolutionary breakthrough there. After extensive research, I have chosen to be brave and think outside the box of conventional care. Today, I work with a team of Doctors and Nurses who are helping me tailor my IV treatments and other crucial therapies according to my very own cancer cells apoptosis. We work weekly building my immune system up. I along with my many are reversing dis-eases through education, commitment and diligence in treatments that are healthy and natural. I know my body's immune system can go back to normal. I believe if I work hard my body can kill the tumors on their own naturally... the way the body does everyday in people with healthy immune systems.
Unfortunately, Health Plan of San Mateo Insurance doesn't cover all of the costs of the powerful and healthy alternative treatments that I so desperately seek. The treatments I have are three times a week up to 4 hours a day for six weeks in San Francisco. The care and IV treatments are extremely costly, but will bring me quality of life.
If you can find it in your heart to support me in my journey "My Way", I promise to pay all my information/resources forward to continue the cause. Any amount is appreciated however small or significant, donations are welcomed. I am also receptive of information/resources that are relevant and in positivity. You can help me work diligently to reboot the "army" of an immune system in me, so I can persevere in this fight against breast c*ncer. Even if you can't donate here, find a family suffering and battling c*ncer or any other diseases and HELP on my behalf please. Don't walk or run for me unless it helps another family with c*ncer directly!!!! There is no help directly for c*ncer patients unless you are helping on the front lines with families....
I hope one day to be healthy and c*ncer free, so I can continue the fight in curing cancer within. I hope to bring "hope" to those in fear from this scary disease named c*ncer.
-A few facts I came across read, c*ncer will affect 1 of 2 men and 1 of 3 women. Currently, in San Bruno alone, I know about 8 women who have or had battles with breast c*ncer. That's just breast c*ncer. Do you know someone affected or with c*ncer yet? Not you? Count your blessing and take care of you...clean your environment of toxicities, detox your gut and eat healthy asap.
I appreciate and love you all very much and that is why I allowed this to go public. I will have updates after I've been in treatment for a significant time. But for now, all you need to know is I feel great after my IV treatments... I can only describe it as enlightened and keen of senses.
If you have any questions or information, please reach out to me or my husband. I have ABSOLUTELY NO TOLERANCE for negativity or cruelty, so refrain from such.
First, I'd like to thank my friend Stephanie for recognizing the awarness that cancer needs for real people dealing with very difficult life decisions and setting up the GOFUNDME.
I want to thank my Mom and Dad RiP 10/25/16, Alexis Chita Joseph for helping us with the kids...always.
I also want to thank YOU immensely for your direct help in the fight against "Breast C*ncer".
"Thank you" for reading about how I got c*ncer and supporting my personal attack against "cancer" the right way for me "MY WAY".
Your friend and family,

Organizer and beneficiary
Kelly Duran
San Bruno, CA
Joseph Duran