Int'l Conference on Mens Issues 2018
Hello Everyone,
I have been asked again by J4MB (Justice for Men and Boy's) & AVfM (A Voice for Men) to film, edit and post ICMI18 in Birmingham UK.
I'm asking for any size contribution towards truck hire, assistant cost x 2, extended editing time & the purchase of second hand used equipment.
ICMI18 filming format has changed due to the demand for more content (almost doubled.) Therefore we need to take another tech step foreword.
I can't say much about the new format as it hasn't been made public, but it involves twice the kit and operators.
Equipment costs approx £600-700
Van hire for equipment approx £150
Two assistants x4 days approx £500
As with ICMI17 I will be offering video credits on all published works. So a chance to get your name in lights again.
Links to videoas will be posted on J4MB & AVfM sites.
Thank you for taking time out to read this and please pass on if you can.