Loki's Emergency Fund
Loki was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease just over a year ago. We have been trying to manage it ever since.
On Wednesday, he seemed very lethargic and his saliva became very thick. He also showed no interest in his food. He was brought to our family vet for a round of IV fluids the following day, and his bloodwork showed severely high levels of BUN and creatinine (the two main indicators of kidney disease). We were referred to the emergency hospital in Vancouver that night, where he received more IV fluids in attempt to treat his high levels.
Loki showed little, if at all, improvement in his blood levels after 36 hours of IV fluids and other medication at the emergency hospital in Vancouver. He was in critical condition and we immediately drove him down to the emergency hospital in Renton, where dialysis for dogs is available.
The cost of dialysis will be expensive, and Loki may need 2-3 weeks of therapy to hopefully return to normal. The doctors are also looking into what may have caused Loki's blood levels to spike. It is uncertain when we will be able to return home to Vancouver.
Thank you all for your love and support. Each donation, big or small, is truly appreciated. We will try our best to send our thanks to every contributor.
- Tim and Viv