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Blythe Rifkin lost home Malibu fire

Doação protegida
On November 11th, Blythe, Hamish, and their two young children, Owl and Georgie,  lost their house to the Malibu fires.  They left with basically the clothes on their backs. 
Sadly, their sweet cat was not able to be rescued.   
We are asking for support from you, to help them rebuild a life and home during this tragic time. Any little bit helps. 
Our thoughts and our prayers are with any of you that have been affected by these fires.  Please help spread the word and the love, by sharing this to any of your friends or family.
Stay safe and with much gratitude,
Rachel and Nikki

Equipe de arrecadação de fundos (1)

Nikki MacGregor Rifkin
Los Angeles, CA
Blythe Rifkin
Rachel Rifkin
Team member

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