Care Leavers To India
I work for the leaving care team at Southend Borough Council and we are about to embark on a life changing trip to India for our 16-18 year olds.
We are taking a group of NEET young people, hence not in education, employment or training to assist in the building of sanitation for an orphanage in Kerala.
The money we are raising will go towards flights to India, essential inoculations, insurances and visa's to enter the country.
We are going at the end of October, so we ideally need donations are soon as we can to ensure that this trip is not just an idea, it is a reality.
I am so passionate about working with our care leavers and feel that this trip will not only help children in India, but enrich their own lives and recognise that life is a gift and should not taken for granted.
I would be eternally grateful for donations, big or small, whatever can be afforded. I know that times are tough at the moment, but a small donation would mean so much to our young people and the children we are going to help.
I thank you in advance for your support, this will be a fantastic journey for our young people and will change their lives forever.
Will Carter