Daniela's Study Abroad In Austria
Please help me get to Salzburg, Austria so I can study German in summer 2017! Even just ONE dollar from you is a dollar closer to reaching my goal!!
Hello! For those of you who don't know (or remember) me, my name is Daniela Camacho and I'm a freshman at the University of San Diego. It's been my dream since I was 13 to study German where it's actually spoken, and now I have a real chance of doing it! I just need your help to make it happen.
If you're wondering what exactly I'll be doing in Austria with your money, here are some links for you!
This is a 3-week intensive course (German 201), the program is here: http://gointernational.sandiego.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram&Program_ID=06077B724F0400010D047675051F00070B0C1B7A067C756B730703060277720B070F747D01750270&Type=O&sType=O
And this is the program cost, so you know exactly what this is for: