Donation protected
Goodthinking 4 All Our Relations
Is the beneficiary and 100% of all funds
Will go directly into the 501 (c) 3 nonprofit
Goodthinking 4 All Our Relations
Bank Account assuring all funding
Will go directly to the water protectors
@ http://4allourrelations.org/?page_id=2
Who are we? We are human beings
Goodthinking 4 All Our Relations is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization that provides basic necessities for the People living in third-world poverty here in the U.S. focusing on Native Americans. We view all of “Indian Country” as one community, on family
@ http://4allourrelations.org
We have been working with LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard, (Who started NO DAPL the camp is on her fathers property) Dawne DuShane (who runs The Official Dakota Access Pipeline Facebook Page @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/noDAPLtransport/537541309780609/?notif_t=group_activity¬if_id=1475069554002032) and our sister Jean Roach whos taking care of the camp opperations and kitchen.
Helping our families who are standing up at Standing Rock for months now gathering and delivering clothing, I.E. "Warmth" (especiall childrens clothing and under garments) hygiene, sleeping bags blankets ceremonial medicines, food and of course standing up.
Winter is coming soon and our families at the camp are in constant contact with us, and they are asking if we can help with winter clothing boots socks ETC. tarps sleeping bags all that will help the elders men women and children make it through this winter.
Whats th funding going to?
Propane heaters
small propane canisters
Food and meals
Porta-johns cleaning fluids
Community Shelters and Tents
Tarps n poles to keep tents from winter snow.
Firewood and Hauling
Extreme cold weather boots
Extreme cold weather sleeping bags
(to withstand up to -40)
Extreme cold weather wool socks
Hand and Foot Warmers
Earmuffs and Gloves
Engine warmers
A 20 foot U Haul truck to deliver "warmth"
And much, much more.
Goodthinking 4 All Our Relations family is continuing to receive "Warmth" in WA. For the WA to Standing Rock Camp journey, making many stops on the way to gather more "warmth"
100% of all funding will go directly into Goodthinking 4 All Our Relations account assuring that 100% of all funds will go to helping and supporting this project .
Supporting our Elders, Men, Women and Children who are sacrificing their lives and Standing Up At Standing Rock is a must all of our lives and the live of our children and grand children and future generations depend on what we do now today.
We are honored and grateful that Creation has found us worthy to do this work, we raise our hands in Thanks and Prayer to you and all your relations for supporting and Standing Up For Standing Rock NO DAPL!
Is the beneficiary and 100% of all funds
Will go directly into the 501 (c) 3 nonprofit
Goodthinking 4 All Our Relations
Bank Account assuring all funding
Will go directly to the water protectors
@ http://4allourrelations.org/?page_id=2
Who are we? We are human beings
Goodthinking 4 All Our Relations is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization that provides basic necessities for the People living in third-world poverty here in the U.S. focusing on Native Americans. We view all of “Indian Country” as one community, on family
@ http://4allourrelations.org
We have been working with LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard, (Who started NO DAPL the camp is on her fathers property) Dawne DuShane (who runs The Official Dakota Access Pipeline Facebook Page @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/noDAPLtransport/537541309780609/?notif_t=group_activity¬if_id=1475069554002032) and our sister Jean Roach whos taking care of the camp opperations and kitchen.
Helping our families who are standing up at Standing Rock for months now gathering and delivering clothing, I.E. "Warmth" (especiall childrens clothing and under garments) hygiene, sleeping bags blankets ceremonial medicines, food and of course standing up.
Winter is coming soon and our families at the camp are in constant contact with us, and they are asking if we can help with winter clothing boots socks ETC. tarps sleeping bags all that will help the elders men women and children make it through this winter.
Whats th funding going to?
Propane heaters
small propane canisters
Food and meals
Porta-johns cleaning fluids
Community Shelters and Tents
Tarps n poles to keep tents from winter snow.
Firewood and Hauling
Extreme cold weather boots
Extreme cold weather sleeping bags
(to withstand up to -40)
Extreme cold weather wool socks
Hand and Foot Warmers
Earmuffs and Gloves
Engine warmers
A 20 foot U Haul truck to deliver "warmth"
And much, much more.
Goodthinking 4 All Our Relations family is continuing to receive "Warmth" in WA. For the WA to Standing Rock Camp journey, making many stops on the way to gather more "warmth"
100% of all funding will go directly into Goodthinking 4 All Our Relations account assuring that 100% of all funds will go to helping and supporting this project .
Supporting our Elders, Men, Women and Children who are sacrificing their lives and Standing Up At Standing Rock is a must all of our lives and the live of our children and grand children and future generations depend on what we do now today.
We are honored and grateful that Creation has found us worthy to do this work, we raise our hands in Thanks and Prayer to you and all your relations for supporting and Standing Up For Standing Rock NO DAPL!
Organizer and beneficiary
Alex Jimenez
Cannon Ball, ND
Goodthinking 4 All Our Relations