I am a 48yr. old late deafened and disabled female who is also a domestic violence survivor. My whole life I have lived in situations no child should ever have to live in. As an adult I have found myself in the same situations with domestic violence. On May 1st 2007 my life had taken a turn for the worse. My now late ex husband was 3 times the legal limit when he decided he wanted to kill me. Thankfully he only severed both ears and that is when my whole world became upside down. I went from being able to hear to being completely late deafened. I grew to accept this major change in my life but still feel sensitive about it. I did receive my first service dog Moxie a year later but she had passed away in 2009 at the age of 5. That was the same year that my life started to go down hill once again. On June 17th 2015 my life took another turn for the worse and I had become partially paralyzed from the waist down on the right side with a serious right shoulder injury and fractured left shine. My ex boyfriend had a bad morning at his trailer because he spilled a pot of coffee. He came to my home and decided to take it out on me. So, once again my life had been turned upside down. Everytime I try to get help with housing, service dog, mobility help, deaf equipment and other means of help I keep getting turned down. I have not lost my will to keep going but I have had to lower myself to accept help from the one who put me in this chair and he pays my motel room weekly because my SSI doesn't cover the monthly costs. I really need a place that I can call home, have another service dog and try to make it deaf and wheelchair accessible. I just want to be happy, content and safe again. Can you please help me conquer these obstacles and get me into a home of my own? My dream is to get a suitable home for me and once I get settled in I want to set up a safe haven for animals who are in desperate need of help. I want the animals to know that not all people are bad and no matter what I have to do, I will make sure that they get all the love, care and attention they deserve and once ready find them suitable furever homes. Animals are my life and I will always do everything I can to make sure they are never abused, starved, abandoned and thrown away like garbage ever again.