Vehicle For Dialysis & Transplant
Teysha Kendal loves mudding, guns, her dog and her family & friends. She is Fire Fighter, hard worker and a true Vermonter. Teysha has had her share of heartache and hardship in the last couple of years and she has not asked for help. She was raised to work for what you need.... Teysha has had only one working kidney and this kidney is starting to fail her. She is going to have to start going to DHMC for Dialysis and eventually a transplant. The vehicle that Teysha currently has is not safe enough to make the 100 mile round trip. This campaign has been started to help her put a down payment on a newer vehicle and to help her pay for gas for her appointments. Everyone that knows, Teysha knows that she would give you the shirt off her back, if you were in need. Please give what you can.... even if it's only $5. Thank you...