My wifes moped was stolen
My Wifes first Moped was stolen from Canada Heights Today
Hi everybody, i must bring to your attention today that me and my wife took our time out to do what we love, to help out marshalling.
But for the first time she attended on a motorcycle. It has taken me over 10 years to get her on a motorcycle on the road. After her 4th day on the road we attended Canada heights to marshall, only to come back at the end of the day to find her first bike stolen from the dedicated motorcycle parking section. Her bike was a White Honda PS125I with a silver luggage box attached to the bike.
The reg is EX62 XHP. There was 2 witnesses who see 2 young boys aged approx 12-16 push the moped into the forest by the enduro circuit, they tried to give chase but due to the fact the 2 witness where elderly they where unable to keep up and the young boys got away with the moped. Security where allerted but where unable to find the moped or the boys in the area. I know its a bad thing to request, but if anybody out there may know of who done this, may you please assist, by contacting me.
I have setup this go fund me to kindly ask members and riders of Canada Heights to help to get my wife back out on the road. We both have autism and do not have the ability to get a loan to get another moped for her.
If anybody out there reading this knows how amazing it feels when there wife, children first ride. This is who i am appealing to for help.
It will take a long time to save up for another moped for her, but i am kindly asking for members to help get her back out on the road sooner.
Some of you may wonder why she has no theft coverage on her insurance, this is because the moped was a cat c when we brought it, the excess will not make the insurance company payout high enough to purchase another bike.
Lets all try get her back on the road for summer, so we can get back to marshalling again for the riders
Thank you