Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic & Goals
Animal Welfare Services/The Animal Protection and Education Charity is Iowa's largest provider of Trap-Neuter Return. We are a licensed non profit organization providing low cost spay/neuter and vaccination clinics to Iowa communites, shelters, and rescues.
Volunteer fosters are the foundation of our organization. They provide a temporary home for our adoptable pets. Vaccinations, spay/neuter, and supplies are provided for the foster animals. Our foster network allows us to avoid euthanasia and be a successful no-kill shelter.
2016 Quarter One Financial Goals
Hoarder Supplies: $5,000
Cat Shelter: $2,500
Property Down Payment: $10,000
Hoarder Supplies
To successfuly rescue hoarder cases, we need to purchase supplies, such as hazmat suits, cages, catch poles, cat nets, respirators , and live traps of all sizes.
Cat Shelter
Our future Cat Shelter's basic structure is there, but the interior is mostly incomplete. We will need drywall, paint, electrical work, etc.
Property Down Payment
We are looking for a permanent location to provide our low cost spay/neuter and vaccine clinics in addition to our mobile clinics. The location will need to have space for our mobile clinic vans, and storage for our supplies.