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DV Survivor Hopes To Walk Again

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This is my friend Alejandra. She’s 17 and lives in a small country named Guatemala. She grew up with an abusive father but she never let that define the kind of person she was. My favorite thing about her is the smile she has on in that picture because she’d be wearing it all the time. She hid it all so well we never really knew what was going on, until one day her father lost it. He grabbed a knife from the kitchen and started stabbing her mother, Alejandra tried to stop him and that’s when he stabbed her too. Her older sister got home in the middle of it and died trying to protect her. Alejandra was the only survivor of the attack. Alejandra was stabbed several times on the leg, which caused damage to the sciatic nerve, the nerve in charge of movement and sensibility on the lower part of the leg. Now, as Alejandra hopes for a miracle she worries that even though most of the money to cover the costs have been raised, what’s missing is gonna keep her from getting the surgery that could give her her life back.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Alejandra Castillo
San Antonio, TX
Savannah Davis

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