Help Emmi get her mobility dog
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Hi! My name is Emmi! Im 7 years old and have Arthrogryposis. Arthro-gry-whatsis you ask?? Well let me tell you a little more. Arthrogryposis is what makes me special! While I was in my moms belly there wasn't much room in there for me to move around, so my arms and legs got stuck in certain positions. Basically, I didn't get to swim around freely and now my muscles and joints are contracted. I have the happiest smile and don't let anything stop me though! I can do almost everything you can do, I just do it a little differently. I use two different types of braces right now to help my legs get stronger in order to walk, without those braces, my legs wont hold me up. I'm working on getting them stronger every week in therapy and with my mommy! I am trying to get myself a service dog to help me do the things that I do differently a little easier. It will also help my mommy in giving me a little more independence. Mommy found this awesome place in Colorado where we live called Noell's Dogs Four Hope. They are a non profit agency that helps kids with disabilities, or as I like to call them, Diff-abilities, get linked with service mobility dogs. We are very lucky that we will have the opportunity to have our puppy live with us while it is being trained to best help me! Mommy has put down our deposit so we can get our puppy secured, but now mommy and I need your help so we can finish brining our puppy home to help me be a little more independent! A like and a share would be awesome. I know my mommy and I really appreciate this!

Pavielle Gomez
Colorado Springs, CO