Benefit for Sienna Rose’ Family
Donation protected
This story is sure to break your heart, as it did the rest of us...
I am a friend of this wonderful family who recently had the most tragic thing happen and I felt compelled to reach out to offer these very loved people some much needed help.
On Saturday 7th July 2018, our friends noticed the youngest of their two beautiful daughters was unwell. They have both a four year old and two year old daughter. The two year old little girl, Sienna, was taken to the medical centre with flu symptoms. Our friend, the mother was assured by the doctor Sienna had the flu and was written a prescription to fill, which she organised on the way home as any parent would do.
Unfortunately, little Sienna had high temperatures and as these couldn't be brought down, an ambulance was called to rush her to hospital. Over the next 24 hours with her family by her side this helpless angel was placed on life support. It breaks my heart to even write these words but her brain stopped functioning and the life support was turned off on Sunday at 6.05pm as her mum and family sat holding her hand as she left us all. How absolutely gut wrenchingly heartbreaking. I cannot imagine for one second how any of us would cope with the loss of our child, and to the flu which many of us would see as fairly harmless. The family was told that little Sienna's body just couldn't fight it.
To make matters worse, I have been informed that Sienna's dad has had to go back to work, a few days since his baby girl died and a day before the funeral where everybody is expected to say their goodbye's.
I have created a video of Sienna I will post with their families permission but at this point please help this family who desperately need all the love and prayers you can muster.
I have intentionally left the rest of the families names off this to protect their identity (unfortunately the despicable news.com.au and Daily Mail have disregarded the families wishes to not be named) and allow them some time as I'm sure they need it right now. You may from today, see some media articles about little Sienna as I've been told this may be shared.
Please HELP!!
DONATE + PLEASE SHARE to your social channels to spread the word.
Attn: news.com.au, Daily Mail + all other Australian news outlets & media. This page was not set up for you to exploit this poor family. Sienna died from influenza and the vaccine had nothing to do with her death. Your reports are hurtful and falsely portrayed. Please cease from using any images or Sienna’s name and let this poor family grieve. We are trying to help a family during the most difficult time of their life and we don’t want any of this for them. Thank you.
I am a friend of this wonderful family who recently had the most tragic thing happen and I felt compelled to reach out to offer these very loved people some much needed help.
On Saturday 7th July 2018, our friends noticed the youngest of their two beautiful daughters was unwell. They have both a four year old and two year old daughter. The two year old little girl, Sienna, was taken to the medical centre with flu symptoms. Our friend, the mother was assured by the doctor Sienna had the flu and was written a prescription to fill, which she organised on the way home as any parent would do.
Unfortunately, little Sienna had high temperatures and as these couldn't be brought down, an ambulance was called to rush her to hospital. Over the next 24 hours with her family by her side this helpless angel was placed on life support. It breaks my heart to even write these words but her brain stopped functioning and the life support was turned off on Sunday at 6.05pm as her mum and family sat holding her hand as she left us all. How absolutely gut wrenchingly heartbreaking. I cannot imagine for one second how any of us would cope with the loss of our child, and to the flu which many of us would see as fairly harmless. The family was told that little Sienna's body just couldn't fight it.
To make matters worse, I have been informed that Sienna's dad has had to go back to work, a few days since his baby girl died and a day before the funeral where everybody is expected to say their goodbye's.
I have created a video of Sienna I will post with their families permission but at this point please help this family who desperately need all the love and prayers you can muster.
I have intentionally left the rest of the families names off this to protect their identity (unfortunately the despicable news.com.au and Daily Mail have disregarded the families wishes to not be named) and allow them some time as I'm sure they need it right now. You may from today, see some media articles about little Sienna as I've been told this may be shared.
Please HELP!!
DONATE + PLEASE SHARE to your social channels to spread the word.
Attn: news.com.au, Daily Mail + all other Australian news outlets & media. This page was not set up for you to exploit this poor family. Sienna died from influenza and the vaccine had nothing to do with her death. Your reports are hurtful and falsely portrayed. Please cease from using any images or Sienna’s name and let this poor family grieve. We are trying to help a family during the most difficult time of their life and we don’t want any of this for them. Thank you.
Glenn Paul
The Oaks, NSW