On Sunday, March 26th, while taking in the views of Shoshone Falls with his family, Chris Manning slipped and fell from a 50ft cliff resulting in multiple injuries. He was life flighted to a Boise hospital where he remains in critical condition. His doctors are working hard to put "Humpty Dumpty" (their words, not mine) back together. As of today, Chris has undergone multiple surgeries to fix his many injuries including a broken humerus, shattered ilium on his pelvis, prolapsed bowel, 11 fractured ribs, lacerated knee, hand, and head, multiple blood clots, torn spleen and liver, multiple vertebra fractures including an L1 triple fracture as well as a torn artery. We thank God that he did not break his spinal cord or have a serious head injuries. Doctors expect him to be in the hospital for the next 10 days but he has a long road to recovery ahead of him. During this difficult time, Chris will be taking an unpaid leave from work. This fund is to help The Mannings with all of their upcoming medical costs as well as their everyday expenses as Chris continues to heal. Anyone who knows Chris knows that he is willing to do anything for anyone. He has a generous spirit and an infectious personality that can light up any room. Any donation to The Manning family will be greatly appreciated. Please pray for a speedy recovery.