Captain Jack Recovery Expenses
On Saturday the 25th while my sister was out of town for the weekend she got a call from her friend letting her know that her dog had been attacked by another dog while out on a walk. He was eventually able to get the dog off of Jack and get Jack back in the house. The other dog stayed outside scratching at the door for about 10 minutes making it impossible for Brian to get Jack to the vet as soon as possible. The dog was picked up by dog pound and so far no owner has come forward leaving my sister with a huge vet bill and a seriously injured baby. After 2 1/2 hour surgery yesterday they got the internal damage fixed up and will be keeping an eye on his leg to determine if he will be able to keep it. My sister says don't be to sad if he loses his leg he'll just have to live up to his name of Captain Jack Sparrow and get him a wooden leg! He is such a sweet baby and we are all so greatful for Brian's quick response and of course for Zoey (her other dog) fight to save her brother. Anything you can do to help take some of the burden off my sister would be greatly appreciated!