Finbars Independence Fund
Fin is 21 years old and was born and lives in Bramley, Leeds. After meeting them both, I knew I had to help. He is a very jolly person with a great sense of humour and has excellent people skills. He loves art, crafts and baking and loves to read and write but this has been difficult because he cannot recognise letters and symbols. He began to walk at 4 years old and has faced many hurdles and challenges but always smiles. He has severe learning difficulties and motor/pyramidal movement disorder. The combination of these difficulties means that Finbar tires easily and needs a wheel chair. Finbar has recently had a growing phase and is now 6'4'' tall and means that his NHS wheel chair does not fit him or tall people comfortably. His wheelchair is now causing deformity and pains in his legs and knees. The only assistance the NHS can offer is a 6'' cushion to fit in his wheel chair, but because of his cerebral difficulties the cushion makes him feel like he is floating and falling. It also makes the wheelchair unstable. He has recently been assessed for a made to measure wheelchair that meets his needs however this will cost 3600. We already have 1000 towards this target from a grant and some fundraising that has already taken place. We are hoping to raise the funds to ensure that Fin can go out and about comfortably and without experiencing the pains that he has been.