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Eamon Obst's Kicking Cancer's Butt

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This is Eamon Obst. A cheeky smiley little boy who has just been diagnosed with Wilms Tumour - a cancer of the kidney. Since his diagnosis Eamon has undergone surgery to investigate/remove the kidney. It was found that the tumour was too big to take direct action. So now Eamon must undergo chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This should hopefully shrink the tumour so surgeons can remove the problem kidney. This will be a lengthy battle for him and his parents (Justin and Kathy Obst nee Deak). Considering they also have Eamon's 12 week old sister to look after at the same time! All funds raised will go towards helping Eamon's family cover the costs associated with all the hospital visits coming up. As well as enable Eamon's parents to focus their time and energy on looking after Eamon and his infant sister. Rather than stressing about the burden of bills that keep piling up. (Food, formula, nappies, power, water, rent/mortgage, hospital visits etc) Eamon's dad Justin told me he would probably have to go back to work next week. It broke my heart to think about him having to leave the house with his wife Kathy, baby girl and now sick son just to make a couple dollars to pay the bills. I thought if we could raise some money Eamon's dad could stay home and focus on helping nuture his family. The sooner we can get funds rolling in the better. I will be so grateful if we can help this little family out. But probably not as grateful as Eamon would be knowing your funds will enable him to have both his parents and little sister by his side as he attempts to Kick Cancer's Butt!
Follow Eamon's progress via the link below.


  • paul marshall
    • $10 
    • 6 yrs


Michael Arnold
Pyap West SA

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