Support Newark National Little League
Tax deductible
Please help the Newark National Little League, 2013 Mid
Atlantic Regional Champions, with expenses incurred during their exciting, once
in a lifetime, journey to the Little League World Series! Newark National is
only the 2nd team ever from Delaware to advance to the LL World
Series. The team upset the favored Lionville, PA team 8-2 to win their amazing
bid. Over the course of the Regional Tournament, Newark National outscored
their opponents an astounding 54-23!
It's an exciting, yet financially burdensome experience for the League and families involved. Parents have taken vacation and unpaid time from work, charged food and hotels to credit cards, and canceled vacations to be with their players. Most was done at the last minute as schedules were determined based on if the team won or lost. Parents truly had to be patient and flexible! Little League International generously covers the players during the Regional and World Series Tournaments, but the families are on their own. Please consider donating to Newark National Little League so that we may help the families enjoy the experience they are having with their sons without the financial stress that comes with it. We anticipate that expenses will total $3,000 - $5,000 per family as a result of both tournaments.
If you have ever played Little League, coached Little League, have a son or daughter who played Little League, or just enjoyed the Little League experience, please support us and help these players and their family's dreams come true.

It's an exciting, yet financially burdensome experience for the League and families involved. Parents have taken vacation and unpaid time from work, charged food and hotels to credit cards, and canceled vacations to be with their players. Most was done at the last minute as schedules were determined based on if the team won or lost. Parents truly had to be patient and flexible! Little League International generously covers the players during the Regional and World Series Tournaments, but the families are on their own. Please consider donating to Newark National Little League so that we may help the families enjoy the experience they are having with their sons without the financial stress that comes with it. We anticipate that expenses will total $3,000 - $5,000 per family as a result of both tournaments.
If you have ever played Little League, coached Little League, have a son or daughter who played Little League, or just enjoyed the Little League experience, please support us and help these players and their family's dreams come true.

Kimberly Sharpe Lopes
Newark, DE
Little League Baseball Inc (2080203 Newark National Ll)