Medical Expenses For Carly
Donation protected
Carly recently went into the hospital with a migraine and it turned out to be much worse than we all thought. Carly suffered a thrombolytic stroke of the left branch artery that feeds her left cerebellum. This caused an infarct of her left cerebellum which caused mass swelling of the left cerebellum. This now giant part of the back of her brain blocked a drainage port to her spinal column resulting in her hydrocephalus. Reason for the drain to prevent further crushing of the brain. Carly is really close to herniating her brain through the foramen magnum, hole in the base of the skull that allows the spine to connect to the brain. Herniation, also called coning, crushes the vital control centre of basic functions (breathing, heart beat, etc) which will kill her. To help prevent her from dying, they are doing surgery to remove any dead brain tissue from the left cerebellum to give her more room in the skull cavity to allow minor swelling in the future without catastrophic effects. No set time on when sedation will be removed post surgery. Doctor can choose 24, 48 or even up to 72 hours post op to keep her sedated. Doctor will play it by ear so patients is needed after surgery. Cerebellum controls fine motor skills and she may show problems but over time could be worked out with physio. Thank you for all the love and support. With as little as $5 you could help her husband Nathanael be at the hospital with Carly, parking becomes very expensive and food and so on Nathanael has taken a leave from work to be at the hospital with Carly. So I ask for help! Thank you everyone
Shay Brush
Gander, NL