Psychedelic Parenting Seed Fund
Over the past year, Psychedelic Parenting has become a hub for people interested in passing on the values of their entheogenic experiences to their children and extended families. Started in 2013 as a personal blog of founder Jonathan Thompson, Psychedelic Parenting has grown to include a regular podcast (avalible on iTunes) with hundreds of listeners weekly, book reviews, and a facebook page getting thousands of views weekly.
As our impact has grown, so have our costs. What was once free (web hosting, podcast hosting) is now a monthly investment. We would like to grow the influence and reach of the work and build a permanent resource and a home for this community on the web, but we require the community's assistance to make this happen
The $3000 goal will be used to plan and execute a online conference event, bringing together a selection of the best minds in fields of parenting, plant medcines, and family dynamics, and spiritual development. We will come together to discuss the issues, the challenges, and the potential solutions for families using sacred plants as sacraments and medicines. It is our hope that out of this event, we will be able to build a wider audience for this work and make Psychedelic Parenting self-sustaining.
We want to meet this initial funding goal of $3000 by the end of December.
We also have a larger "stretch goal" of $5000. Should we hit this goal, we will will be seeking out an experienced web programmer to assist us in getting live forum capabilities going at www.psychedelicparenting.org and improving the appearance of the website.
We have DEEPLY appreciated the outpouring of support that has developed for this work over the past 12 months and we look forward to serving the community for many years to come! Thank you in advance for any level of support you can offer for this work.
Here are images of our Perks
Sticker ImageArt Print and Archival Quality Print Image