Support Minister Goodbaudy!
Allow me to introduce myself; I am Trent Goodbaudy, the minister of travel for a very small (but growing) congregation. I was born and raised in the Mormon religion. As a teenager I fell away from the church and spent many years trying to figure out my place in this life. I grew in knowledge, experience, and spirituality (often times without even knowing that was happening). I spent years doing research, trying to figure out what to make of this life experience, and through my studies I found that there is something very wrong with the world and also learned that the thing that is wrong with this world is that it is under the control of Satan. And as hard as it is to say, I believe that Satan rules the secular government today. I also believe that there are only two sides; good and evil. And if you fail to choose a side... one will be chosen for you. I also believe that we should strive to live in the Kingdom of Heaven while we live here on this Earth, and be in the world, but not of the world. Which is why it is so important to me to obtain this land. We need a place where we can grow food, and live closer to God.
Our congregation is spread out across the country, and while they are ordained already; I can't wait to get baptised and cleansed of sin at the Columbia river which is less than a mile from our new holy healing land. I also cannot wait to meet the other members of the church. Many of which are homeless and struggling and need this land to worship and live in God's kingdom as much as I do. I am currently living in a church van (I bought it and donated it to the church), and I wish I could begin doing more for God, and I feel like this is the correct move to make. The price is very reasonable, and I feel like God is helping me, but not without me doing everything I can to make it a reality. I would be so grateful to be able to get this healing land for God, and I would never forget how blessed I am and I would do nothing but work towards his sovereign glory.
Our Christain church needs a home that is worthy and outside of the secular 'grid'. By allowing God to lead me; I have been looking for a place for our new church since March, and I believe I have found the place.
I will need to give the current owner $25K to compensate him for all the new improvements, including a brand new well and pump and many other helpful additions to this off-grid property on 20 acres. I do have a few hundred dollars of my own already that I have added to the total in 'offline donations' and I am ready to do everything it takes to make this happen. I know it will be a lot of work.
I have been homeless myself for many years, and I want to obtain this property not only to start my ministry, but also to give others in need a place to go where they can begin healing with the goal of getting back on their feet again. Everyone will be welcome here.
The current owner is Christain, and he wants to see it go to a good Christian cause, and he is excited to be asisting with this cause. He told me that if I could come up with a down payment of $2500 I could move in... and then just pay a small payment every month until he gets back the $25K he invested. I am sure that there will be other expenses arise that I need to attend to, but I have faith that God will help guide me. He has done so much for me already and I feel truly blessed as I have since I shed my bonds and been ordained.
This land is on the Spokane reservation, and I would really love to take back this land for God and make it a holy land that will remain God's land for eternity. I really want to help the current owner by giving him what he wants to settle the deal and then have a place where anyone can come for refuge and safe harbor. Please think about helping us out.
I promise that when I obtain this land for God's kingdom on this plane, everyone anyone will be welcome to come and stay and get back on your feet. If there is anyone that would like to assist me with this, first I need to get this financial thing out of the way, and you have my guarantee that it will be used as God would have me use it. I hope that this manifests... we really don't have far to go!
I will keep adding information to this post, but I wanted to get it out there so that people will hopefully begin helping with the Lord's work.
View of land from above, the border of the image is roughly the property line.
This is from the listing for the property: Nice unfinished cabin on 20 wooded acres located on Miller Mtn Rd. 30 miles north of Davenport or 70 miles NW of Spokane. The cabin measures 32 X 20 with one bedroom, bathroom, living room and kitchen. There is a nice large wood stove for heat, has toilet, bathtub, sink and new propane hot water tank. New walnut kitchen cabinets and used propane stove. The cabin was built last year but needs some finish work done to complete it. Has 2 x 6 insulated exterior walls, two new steel doors and T&G sub flooring and metal roof. The house is completed wired and all plumbing is in, just needs to be hooked up to main water supply line which needs to be installed from pump to house. The ditch has been dug for main water line and for the septic tank and drain field. You will need to hook up a sewer line for the toilet, install a drain field, there is a 250 gallon plastic tank you could use for a septic tank and install a drain line for the sinks....
The well was drilled two years ago and provides 12 GPM. There is a new 8 x 10 shed, a 38 ft motor home with a wood stove in it which could be used for a guest house. We use a generator for electricity now but we have a large steel rack for solar panels that you can rotate to follow the sun, it just needs to be installed. We have good southern exposure for a solar system.