Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Send Aussie Veterans To Opening

Beschermde donatie
Updated 8th March: The government has made a grant of $200,000 available to support the attendance of veterans and their carers. Due to the media coverage we now have 15 veterans that wish to attend, and with business class air travel the total cost (27 people) will be $240,000. Your kind donations will cover the balance and ensure every veteran who can physically travel is able to attend.

On behalf of the veterans we thankyou for your support.

The brave Aussie veterans of Bomber Command are now in their 90s or older. In April 2018, in the UK, a new International Bomber Command Centre will be opened. It is a fantastic centre, with Memorial walls, peace gardens, a world class interactive museum and an education centre. It will ensure their stories are not lost. We would like to make it possible for those veterans able to travel to be at the opening.


Catherine Wallis
Manuka, ACT

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