Give Chance A Second CHANCE!
My name is Melissa Guevin, The Dogmother LLC from Peabody, Ma. I am one of the private kennels that the City of Everett Animal Control Officer, Stacia Gorgone uses.
On 10/20/17 around 3 am, Everett ACO Stacia Gorgone responded to an animal cruelty call with 2 other officers. A neighbor called and reported the multiple yelps from a dog, other witnesses and the police officers witnessed this man dragging the puppy down the driveway by strangulation, he had thrown the 10m old pitbull against the house multiple times. When the police got there the puppy known as Chase was coughing up blood, the dog COULD NOT STAND on his own, he was shaking and breathing heavily one officer reported. He was rushed to the Mass Vet Referral Hospital where the pup received immediate emergency care. They gave an estimate that his care would cost around $4k. I chose to help the ACO so she could help give Chase another CHANCE at life by hosting this fundraiser. I am not sure how much extra his bills and care will cost. All of the funds raised will go directly towards his vet bills. Any extra money raised WILL all go to pay for any past or future vet bills to help vet and treat the City of Everett strays, abandoned or neglected animals. Thank you!