Top Surgery Revision
Donation protected
My name is Kid Duffy. I had top surgery on August 3rd, 2017. This surgery unfortunately left me with really large dog ears. For those that don't know it's basically a lot of extra skin and tissue at the sides. My sides have been causing me a lot of pain, removing them will hopefully help. But they've also caused me to not be able to put my arms down at my sides. I'm a bit over five months post op, which means I haven't put my arms to my sides for more than five months.
There's also an aesthetic issue, but the biggest problems are the pain and not being able to put my arms down. I was really hoping I would only need the one surgery. I'm not sure what happened and it's been a really rough three months. I know that doesn't seem like a long time, but even going a day having to hold your arms up is a long time. This revision surgery is very reliable, and there is no foreseeable reason for this one to not be the final surgery on my chest.
Insurance has denied this request. I have an appeal in, but I have no clue if they'll cover anything or not. It looks like minimum out if pocket will be $5,000 with the potential of being greater. This is even with the surgeon's fee waived since.
I need this surgery as soon as I can get a surgeon to set up a date because of the pain. Holding my arms up is causing more muscle pains in my chest, added to the pain that's coming from the sides even when relaxing makes waiting not just emotionally difficult, but physically difficult. Because of this I'm talking with a few to see who is free sooner. I have to balance time with cost and it's very challenging to figure out.
Just like last time, I appreciate all help. A donate or a share is really great. Thank you all for your help last time and thank you for your support this time as well.
Thank you,
Kid Duffy
Flagstaff, AZ