Ben Wimbush Powerchair That Is Right
Hi my name is Ben & I'm a tetraplegic living in Manchester i am lucky enough to have 24/7 care. I broke my neck in a freak trampoline accident badly damaging my Spinal Cord meaning I'm paralysed from my chest down. I need a Powerchair that meets my needs as unfortunately being severely disabled my clinical needs mean the chair i need is expensive & the NHS Manchester Wheelchair Services have failed to meet my needs for 6 years since I first recìeved one. After 6 years of pain, pressure sores and zero support i started a campaign to raise awareness of the situation as I discovered that this is happening to other wheelchair users up and down the country. Thanks to ITV Granada Reports for featuring my situation & campaign to raise awareness of this as anyone can end up in one in the blink of an eye, there but the grace of God goes everyone of us. Whilst running it i discovered many people crowd fund for the same purpose and after encouragement from many people I've decided to do the same. I have decided to start raising funds towards one that meets all my needs including the ability to stand as at present i use a standing frame but need 2 carers present which costs the NHS & limits when I can do it. This allows me to do it myself giving excellent pressure relief independently but also helps to staves of Osteoporosis which costs the NHS a fortune add in stood up in social situations the benefits are huge. Please donate what you can no doubt this page will evolve but I will be speaking to charities and Wheelchair Services throughout and my campaign to highlight this issue will continue to as it needs changing. My hope is with the correct equipment i get my life back which means I can get back to raising positive awareness of SCI and show that like all life changing injuries or disabilities are just that not life ending. I will also be out of hospital and not costing the NHS or probably you money that can be spent better elsewhere. Thanks Ben