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#cancersucks Anna’s Fight

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This is Anna. A friend of mine who in November 2017 was told she has breast cancer. After noticing a lump in her breast in her last trimester of pregnancy, Anna was told she had a blocked milk duct. Anna gave birth to a beautiful daughter Isabella on 13 September 2017. Noticing the lump was still there Anna went to have it checked out again and was referred for further tests. Things moved pretty fast after her initial appointment and unfortunately Anna was told the lump was malignant and the cancer has spread to her lymph nodes. All the while modest Anna has continued to smile & vowed to fight this horrific disease while caring for a new born and her 4 year old daughter Millie. If this wasn’t bad enough Anna has since been told the cancer is stage 4 and has spread to her bones. I met Anna through a mutual friend while Anna was working as a self employed hairdresser. Unable to work due to this horrible disease with no financial support due to being self employed I have set up this page hoping for any donations at all for this lovely family. I would like to add Anna has a loving & supporting partner Ash. Anna we think your amazing. Thanks for looking after my Barnet over the years xxxx

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Fiona Widdowson
Anna Alessandro

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