Chris Doherty (Gang Green) Medical
Donation protected
Hi everyone! As you all might know our good friend Chris Doherty was every sick a few months back. He was in the hospital for 3 weeks with some serious issues and hasn't been able to work since. It's been almost 3 months without a paycheck and the medical bills along with all the other day to day bills has but a serious financial strain on him and his family so I wanted to start this to help relieve some of that pressure. He's been a great friend and given us so many great shows over the years, I figured this is the least we could do. Thanks in advance for your donation and Chris and his family are sincerely grateful. All donations are going directly to Chris and his family. Thanks!! "Can't live without it" great friends!! Now to explain what Chris went through: Mid-October 2017, Chris became gravely ill. He was admitted thru the emergency room at Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati because he was scary sick. We had no idea what was going on but it was evident, he was in serious trouble. He skipped right thru the ER fairly quickly and put straight into the ICU. He was placed under sedation and on a ventilator, all in an effort to give his body a chance to stabilize and figure out what was up. The doctors were unable assure us that he would pull thru. During this time, after a bunch of testing, they learned that he had sepsis from a blood infection, pneumonia in his left lung and a large infection that had settled onto most of his spine. After becoming stable and leaving the ICU, a turn for the worse and he began internally bleeding. This required emergency blood transfusions, so right back to the ICU. He was given several blood transfusions, the procedure to stop a large bleeding ulcer plus the insertion of 2 chest tubes to remove several liters of fluid from his lung. Clearly, Chris was a very ill man and we had no idea until we finally did. It was a terrifying experience for him, his family and friends. He really had been quite sick for quite sometime. All the while, he continued to do his thing, live life, see his daughter, play his guitar with the guys and go to work, 6 days a week. He rarely would miss even 1 day of work. So, after 3 weeks, he was discharged from the hospital but he still needed longer term ulcer meds and antibiotic treatment. At the time of discharge, he weighed 114lbs (ya-that's extremely low, even for this little bugger-lol). Now-it's been just over 2 months since discharge and he's finally feeling reasonably good. According to recent testing, he's free of all infection and still on meds but he's well on his way. Thank God and all the awesome docs, nurses, and staff at Good Sam Cincinnati. Plus you all, both family and friends have been unbelievably supportive. You really do learn who is in your corner when u are down like this. He is so grateful for all of you, all his loved ones. And you need to know-he loves you all back and appreciates all you have done during this life changing event!!! Peace!!
Stefani Marks Doherty
Cincinnati, OH