50 / 50 Team Project
Donation protected
Global Kingdom Harvest Ministries Needs YOUR prayer and financial support!
Global Kingdom Harvest is Born!
We are stepping into a New Ministry that brings it all together and creates and multiplies opportunities for the Gospel of the Kingdom.
A local, regional and international ministry that incorporates and culminates many diverse initiatives into one expandable package.
Local Kingdom with family building mission - GKH starts in our city preaching the gospel and building the local ekklesia (church), Prayer House and co-laboring partnership.
Circuit Riding - Save the Lost, Revive the Saved, Equip Everyone - GKH is going with the gospel in the simplicity of the Holy Spirit's lead to our town, regional towns and a 300 mile radius.
Online Platforms - GKH is online connecting with thousands monthly, engaging the Saints, the lost and building missional connection and partnership world wide.
Frontier mission - GKH is in the nations leading teams to frontiers of partnership, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom in power, establishing intercessory prayer and worship, and building unified partnerships for fivefold networks.
Our goals are simple. And couragously
Fuel the frontiers with courageous generosity and the Gospel of the Kingdom preached in power.
Inspire and Shape missional apostolic ekklesia for a new foundation.
Activate from the local to the international unified prevailing partnerships in prayer and mission to the poor in spirit.
The challenge immense.
We are working with the churches and ministries but outside the "typical" church based model. Traditional funding methods, visiting churches for support, joining a mission organization, setting up traditional fundraising through church visits etc... is not what we see ahead of us.
We want to go to the frontiers. Where Jesus is not known. Where the Saints need help, encouragement and empowerment. We connect with ministries and locations in development stages who have huge vision and clear anointing but require partnership and empowerment to succeed. They need resources, encouragement in the Holy Spirit, partnership in vision, and equipping.
The vision is wholeistic. Practical help. Kingdom Power.
Gospel transformation.
I am a Catalytic Kingdom Leader who is called to preach the Gospel in the US and the Nations.
As we follow the Holy Spirit's lead into all kinds of amazing opportunities, open doors in the frontiers of our city, region and in the nations, we need missionary support and a different financial support than a church pastor. It is the generous prayer and financial blessing and support of believers partnering with us, and now Global Kingdom Harvest that will pave the way.
We also “tent make” as required and will continue as needed. I’m hoping you will catch the vision and join me in it.
Please read on for more details.

Our 2018 Missional Goal:
Kumamoto Japan
Here’s what it looks like.
I will be grounded and leading in the Local Church
(Capstone CF) continuing as Sr. Leader part-time while ministering Regionally and in 5 Countries.
At times I’ve been called to go bigger with my vision. This vision is big.
Overwhelming? Yes.
Exciting? Absolutely.
50 Prayer Partners
I’ve come to understand Unified Prevailing Prayer changes everything. I’ve also experienced amazing grace to bring churches together for 24 hr prayer
initiatives and build Day and Night prayer.
30 Days of 24 hrs Prayer - 23 churches and Pakistan!
Kingdom warfare is a daily occurrence in the ministry we conduct. On a daily basis we need prayer covering, agreement, listening and warfare intercession. This work requires vigilant prayer support as well as focused and continuous intercession with regular communication.
WE need you, experienced people of prayer. Over the years we have linked with many intercessors and prophetic voices. Now we want to multiply that ministry partnership.
50+ Financial Partners
Through financial partners like you we will be able to move more consistently in all phases of ministry and develop ministry initiatives on many fronts. Financial support will:
•Launch Ministry Teams and Provide Apostolic Support for Regional and US Mission Activities.

America needs aggressive gospel outreach and equipping - linked with unified prevailing prayer and church planting. I sense the Lord calling for a Circuit Riding approach to a 300 mile radius of the Northwest. My heart is to build ministry teams that save the lost, revive the saved, and equip everyone. We will unify churches in prayer, preach the Gospel and plant fellowships as the Spirit blesses. Partners are ready to join in mission to Central Oregon.
•Support and Establish Mission Ventures abroad. Our ministry breaks ground and is catalytic. I love the frontiers where Jesus is not known. We go to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and establish the church through the Spirit.
Muslim Orphanage - Bali - 250+ clothing items
We do not ask for support from unbelievers. Your support allows us to go and bring the blessings of the Kingdom without asking for anything from those to whom we go.
Your support carries us to these frontier locations and allows us to move freely in the Nations.
• With intentionality and to catalyze ministry we need Admin help in developing our online platforms, disseminating the gospel, fostering local to overseas projects, internships, and exchanges.
I’m writing you because we’ve shared in ministry, family, friendship and the Kingdom. I need your help, and your partnership to empower this vision. www.jeffreynoldsministries.com
Uganda - Kampala Partner Church - wearing his new shorts! 250+ clothing items.
Why support this ministry?
Because I need your partnership. This ministry work is bringing an impact. I need a wider ministry support base to accomplish the vision. I am a Catalytic Kingdom Leader who is called to preach the Gospel in the US and the Nations. We need missionary support and a different financial support than a church pastor. We also “tent make” as required and will continue as needed.
I need your help. Apostolic ministry needs prayer and financial support. You are the people who can see the vision and empower the mission. Please prayerfully consider supporting me in this catalytic ministry.
Doors stand wide open today. I presently have invitations to Japan, Pakistan, Uganda, India, and Indonesia. I plan to build missional teams from diverse believers to minister and preach the Gospel. Maybe you will join one of our teams?
Some of these are frontier opportunities to preach where Christ is not known.
Bali, Indonesia - Tampaksiring. 1 church 45 mins away.
Recently in Japan we connected with Japanese who “never met a Christian but always wanted to”. We have US partners ready to circuit ride in eastern Oregon cities. My Online Ministry Platform is growing steady. All of these basic objectives are now in motion.
Possibly we have been a blessing to you and your walk with Christ in times past or presently. The Gospel goes through the generous blessing and financial support of people touched by God. The simple goals of this campaign will release ministry, strengthen and develop international ministry, encourage and equip US believers, build networks of Fivefold ministers everywhere.
Truly WE NEED YOU . Please join the 50/50 Team. Our Goal is full funding and 50 intercessors by March 2017. To Join US and Partner: In Prayer - Intercession. Visit and like our United Prevailing Prayer page on Facebook and let us know you want to be an intercessor with us!
To give a gift of any size-to support us monthly-or give an annual gift - Dontate today, here on our gofundme page. Any gift of any size is greately appreaciated.
All Gifts will be tax deductible and managed through CapstoneCF. Jeff Reynolds Ministries will be under Capstone’s covering and financial umbrella for a while as things get started up.
What I’ve been up to.
The fields are ripe for harvest! Kumamoto, Japan
Over the past few years I have,
Ministered/Planted Capstone Christian Fellowship - part time, receiving a part time income - our hope is to install a pastor for Capstone freeing me up to pursue wider ministry.
Apostolic Ministry - Regionally and Internationally. Raising prayer and preaching the Gospel with signs and wonders in Redmond and internationally.
Building Unity and Prayer partnerships in Central
Oregon - Uniting Houses of Prayer / Church relationships / and International Mission Ventures.
I've traveled Internationally in mission to Japan, Indonesia and Uganda and sent teams to New York, and the Congo.
I Write, Blog and Teach - I Built an online platform of website/social media/blogging /Google Blog. 39,000 blog reads and over 800,000 google views. www.jeffreynoldsonedesire.blogspot.com and www.jeffreynoldsministries.com
The Vision - anywhere ministry and gospel preaching with online platforms, resources, missionary support and possible micro business ventures abroad. The draft of my first book is ready for editing - The JEZEBEL SPIRIT: Recognize It and Defeat It. I blog each week, preach most weeks and write teaching and training materials for equipping the Saints.
Praying, Teaching and Building the Day and Night Prayer House everywhere I go - Deeply abiding in the Word and Spirit and calling for Unified Prevailing Prayer and 24/1’s.
Every Gate - unable to resist the power of the Gospel

Global Kingdom Harvest is Born!
We are stepping into a New Ministry that brings it all together and creates and multiplies opportunities for the Gospel of the Kingdom.
A local, regional and international ministry that incorporates and culminates many diverse initiatives into one expandable package.
Local Kingdom with family building mission - GKH starts in our city preaching the gospel and building the local ekklesia (church), Prayer House and co-laboring partnership.
Circuit Riding - Save the Lost, Revive the Saved, Equip Everyone - GKH is going with the gospel in the simplicity of the Holy Spirit's lead to our town, regional towns and a 300 mile radius.
Online Platforms - GKH is online connecting with thousands monthly, engaging the Saints, the lost and building missional connection and partnership world wide.
Frontier mission - GKH is in the nations leading teams to frontiers of partnership, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom in power, establishing intercessory prayer and worship, and building unified partnerships for fivefold networks.
Our goals are simple. And couragously
Fuel the frontiers with courageous generosity and the Gospel of the Kingdom preached in power.
Inspire and Shape missional apostolic ekklesia for a new foundation.
Activate from the local to the international unified prevailing partnerships in prayer and mission to the poor in spirit.
The challenge immense.
We are working with the churches and ministries but outside the "typical" church based model. Traditional funding methods, visiting churches for support, joining a mission organization, setting up traditional fundraising through church visits etc... is not what we see ahead of us.
We want to go to the frontiers. Where Jesus is not known. Where the Saints need help, encouragement and empowerment. We connect with ministries and locations in development stages who have huge vision and clear anointing but require partnership and empowerment to succeed. They need resources, encouragement in the Holy Spirit, partnership in vision, and equipping.
The vision is wholeistic. Practical help. Kingdom Power.
Gospel transformation.
I am a Catalytic Kingdom Leader who is called to preach the Gospel in the US and the Nations.
As we follow the Holy Spirit's lead into all kinds of amazing opportunities, open doors in the frontiers of our city, region and in the nations, we need missionary support and a different financial support than a church pastor. It is the generous prayer and financial blessing and support of believers partnering with us, and now Global Kingdom Harvest that will pave the way.
We also “tent make” as required and will continue as needed. I’m hoping you will catch the vision and join me in it.
Please read on for more details.

Our 2018 Missional Goal:

Here’s what it looks like.
I will be grounded and leading in the Local Church
(Capstone CF) continuing as Sr. Leader part-time while ministering Regionally and in 5 Countries.
At times I’ve been called to go bigger with my vision. This vision is big.
Overwhelming? Yes.
Exciting? Absolutely.
50 Prayer Partners
I’ve come to understand Unified Prevailing Prayer changes everything. I’ve also experienced amazing grace to bring churches together for 24 hr prayer
initiatives and build Day and Night prayer.

Kingdom warfare is a daily occurrence in the ministry we conduct. On a daily basis we need prayer covering, agreement, listening and warfare intercession. This work requires vigilant prayer support as well as focused and continuous intercession with regular communication.
WE need you, experienced people of prayer. Over the years we have linked with many intercessors and prophetic voices. Now we want to multiply that ministry partnership.
50+ Financial Partners
Through financial partners like you we will be able to move more consistently in all phases of ministry and develop ministry initiatives on many fronts. Financial support will:
•Launch Ministry Teams and Provide Apostolic Support for Regional and US Mission Activities.

America needs aggressive gospel outreach and equipping - linked with unified prevailing prayer and church planting. I sense the Lord calling for a Circuit Riding approach to a 300 mile radius of the Northwest. My heart is to build ministry teams that save the lost, revive the saved, and equip everyone. We will unify churches in prayer, preach the Gospel and plant fellowships as the Spirit blesses. Partners are ready to join in mission to Central Oregon.
•Support and Establish Mission Ventures abroad. Our ministry breaks ground and is catalytic. I love the frontiers where Jesus is not known. We go to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and establish the church through the Spirit.

We do not ask for support from unbelievers. Your support allows us to go and bring the blessings of the Kingdom without asking for anything from those to whom we go.
Your support carries us to these frontier locations and allows us to move freely in the Nations.
• With intentionality and to catalyze ministry we need Admin help in developing our online platforms, disseminating the gospel, fostering local to overseas projects, internships, and exchanges.
I’m writing you because we’ve shared in ministry, family, friendship and the Kingdom. I need your help, and your partnership to empower this vision. www.jeffreynoldsministries.com

Why support this ministry?
Because I need your partnership. This ministry work is bringing an impact. I need a wider ministry support base to accomplish the vision. I am a Catalytic Kingdom Leader who is called to preach the Gospel in the US and the Nations. We need missionary support and a different financial support than a church pastor. We also “tent make” as required and will continue as needed.
I need your help. Apostolic ministry needs prayer and financial support. You are the people who can see the vision and empower the mission. Please prayerfully consider supporting me in this catalytic ministry.
Doors stand wide open today. I presently have invitations to Japan, Pakistan, Uganda, India, and Indonesia. I plan to build missional teams from diverse believers to minister and preach the Gospel. Maybe you will join one of our teams?
Some of these are frontier opportunities to preach where Christ is not known.

Recently in Japan we connected with Japanese who “never met a Christian but always wanted to”. We have US partners ready to circuit ride in eastern Oregon cities. My Online Ministry Platform is growing steady. All of these basic objectives are now in motion.
Possibly we have been a blessing to you and your walk with Christ in times past or presently. The Gospel goes through the generous blessing and financial support of people touched by God. The simple goals of this campaign will release ministry, strengthen and develop international ministry, encourage and equip US believers, build networks of Fivefold ministers everywhere.
Truly WE NEED YOU . Please join the 50/50 Team. Our Goal is full funding and 50 intercessors by March 2017. To Join US and Partner: In Prayer - Intercession. Visit and like our United Prevailing Prayer page on Facebook and let us know you want to be an intercessor with us!
To give a gift of any size-to support us monthly-or give an annual gift - Dontate today, here on our gofundme page. Any gift of any size is greately appreaciated.
All Gifts will be tax deductible and managed through CapstoneCF. Jeff Reynolds Ministries will be under Capstone’s covering and financial umbrella for a while as things get started up.
What I’ve been up to.

Over the past few years I have,
Ministered/Planted Capstone Christian Fellowship - part time, receiving a part time income - our hope is to install a pastor for Capstone freeing me up to pursue wider ministry.
Apostolic Ministry - Regionally and Internationally. Raising prayer and preaching the Gospel with signs and wonders in Redmond and internationally.
Building Unity and Prayer partnerships in Central
Oregon - Uniting Houses of Prayer / Church relationships / and International Mission Ventures.
I've traveled Internationally in mission to Japan, Indonesia and Uganda and sent teams to New York, and the Congo.
I Write, Blog and Teach - I Built an online platform of website/social media/blogging /Google Blog. 39,000 blog reads and over 800,000 google views. www.jeffreynoldsonedesire.blogspot.com and www.jeffreynoldsministries.com
The Vision - anywhere ministry and gospel preaching with online platforms, resources, missionary support and possible micro business ventures abroad. The draft of my first book is ready for editing - The JEZEBEL SPIRIT: Recognize It and Defeat It. I blog each week, preach most weeks and write teaching and training materials for equipping the Saints.
Praying, Teaching and Building the Day and Night Prayer House everywhere I go - Deeply abiding in the Word and Spirit and calling for Unified Prevailing Prayer and 24/1’s.
Every Gate - unable to resist the power of the Gospel

Jeff Reynolds
Redmond, OR