5G Protection Perth
Donation protected
5G Mobile Network roll-out in Perth
Support with a small amount the information campaign to inform the community about the developments of the 5G mobile network roll-out in Perth and the possible health effects caused by the summary of electromagnetic frequency impacting us, you and me and your kids 24 hours of a day.
Link to the Article 15 Feb 2019, The West Australian >> read complete article
Funding goes towards...
Gathering of relevant information
To create and send a newsletter regularly about the latest findings and developments from Perth and other countries about the 5G mobile .
- Awareness about the 5G mobile network technology,
- Awareness about the electromagnetic radiation from mobile technology impacting our lives,
- Awareness about the worldwide findings concerning health,
- Possible action to protect you and your family.
To provide free presentations (no charge) for community organisation
Funding the costs for every presentation to community organisations around Perth. Update and to answer all questions of individuals concerning 5G.
To keep readers informed about the current community opinions
To gather and collect surveys to be used for the presentations and distribute information to all readers (attendees of all talks, if they have registered).
The turning point is to launch a service to measure electromagnetic radiation
Through enough knowledge to eventually launch an electro magnetic testing service and to establish protective modifications to reduce the electro magnetic radiaton exposure inside your home would be the business case.
Please donate time or here a small amount to fund the research to help to inform and to create awareness about electro magentic radiation.
5G Mobile Network Newsletter with latest findings
Signup form http://eepurl.com/ghU12b
Initiated by a presentation at Glyde-In Community Learning Centre (Inc) East Fremantle last Tuesday, 19th of Feb 2019.
Glyde-In is an adult community learning centre in East Fremantle. It offers courses, talks and activities that we hope will enrich your enjoyment and knowledge, and foster a healthy community life.
Thank you very much for your support and please stay electromagentic radiation exposure free, or try to keep it low.
Kind regards
Lorenz Wuthrich
Lorenz has been preparing talks about current topics for the Glyde-in and other organisations around Perth for the last few years and finds great enjoyment to update, inform, educate the listeners and readers.
His background in Economics, studied in Switzerland and as well the formation of Kinesiology, well regarded in Switzerland has shaped the conscious mind which works steadily on the preservation of the mental health of humans.
Education is always part of his work life. Please feel free to browse his linkedin profile https://au.linkedin.com/in/lorenzwuthrich/en
Support with a small amount the information campaign to inform the community about the developments of the 5G mobile network roll-out in Perth and the possible health effects caused by the summary of electromagnetic frequency impacting us, you and me and your kids 24 hours of a day.
Link to the Article 15 Feb 2019, The West Australian >> read complete article
Funding goes towards...
Gathering of relevant information
To create and send a newsletter regularly about the latest findings and developments from Perth and other countries about the 5G mobile .
- Awareness about the 5G mobile network technology,
- Awareness about the electromagnetic radiation from mobile technology impacting our lives,
- Awareness about the worldwide findings concerning health,
- Possible action to protect you and your family.
To provide free presentations (no charge) for community organisation
Funding the costs for every presentation to community organisations around Perth. Update and to answer all questions of individuals concerning 5G.
To keep readers informed about the current community opinions
To gather and collect surveys to be used for the presentations and distribute information to all readers (attendees of all talks, if they have registered).
The turning point is to launch a service to measure electromagnetic radiation
Through enough knowledge to eventually launch an electro magnetic testing service and to establish protective modifications to reduce the electro magnetic radiaton exposure inside your home would be the business case.
Please donate time or here a small amount to fund the research to help to inform and to create awareness about electro magentic radiation.
5G Mobile Network Newsletter with latest findings
Signup form http://eepurl.com/ghU12b
Initiated by a presentation at Glyde-In Community Learning Centre (Inc) East Fremantle last Tuesday, 19th of Feb 2019.
Glyde-In is an adult community learning centre in East Fremantle. It offers courses, talks and activities that we hope will enrich your enjoyment and knowledge, and foster a healthy community life.
Thank you very much for your support and please stay electromagentic radiation exposure free, or try to keep it low.
Kind regards
Lorenz Wuthrich
Lorenz has been preparing talks about current topics for the Glyde-in and other organisations around Perth for the last few years and finds great enjoyment to update, inform, educate the listeners and readers.
His background in Economics, studied in Switzerland and as well the formation of Kinesiology, well regarded in Switzerland has shaped the conscious mind which works steadily on the preservation of the mental health of humans.
Education is always part of his work life. Please feel free to browse his linkedin profile https://au.linkedin.com/in/lorenzwuthrich/en
Lorenz Wuthrich
East Fremantle, WA