Orthodox Stave Church in Sweden
This Campaign is owned by Father Deacon Mikael Fälthammar of the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch. I am (Rafie) only running this campaign due to technological Reasons. You will find Fr. Deacon Mikael's contacts at the bottom.
My name is fr. Mikael, and I'm a deacon in the Antiochian Orthodox Church in Sweden under the direction of Patriarch John X of Antioch. I have a masters-degree in Theology from the University of Gothenburg and a diploma of Orthodox applied theology from S:t Stephens house of studies in the U.S.
Me and my family live on a farm just outside of Gothenburg, the second biggest city in Sweden. A dream that we've had for several years now is to build a small orthodox chapel at our farm just by the edge of the forest, behind our barn. It would be big enough for maybe 15-20 people, and be fully functional for the orthodox christian services. It would serve both my own family in our daily prayers, but also as a chapel for our mission in Gothenburg which has no chapel of its own. Having a place that is ready for the divine services is really a blessing!
When christianity first came to Sweden in the 9:th century the missionaries were allowed to build small wooden churches - called stave churches - on the property of leading men that were friendly towards the new religion in a completly heathen environment. As Sweden nowadays is one of the most secular countries in the world, I see it fit that we do as our first missionaries did and build a chapel reminiscent of the first temples of Christ in our lands.
The Orthodox Church in Sweden is made up of various ethnic groups. The only common denominator is, of course, the faith, and some times the Swedish language. This is something we're working hard with, to translate the service texts into swedish and make the orthodox faith more known in the cultural eyes of a swede. This is the vision of our mission, and the chapel would help see that vision come true.
You can find more info about our antiochian orthodox mission at www.kristiuppstandelse.se
See wikipedia about what a stave church is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stave_church
Facebook page of the project:
Father Mikael Fälthammar
Deacon, Kristi Uppståndelses Ortodoxa församling.
Mobile: +46 (0)704-745604
E-mail: [email redacted]