My Dad's Cancer Fund, for Garry Hamilton
Donation protected
Garry Hamilton is a wonderful father and loving husband. He has worked for decades as a software engineer and has
led a life that helped others at every turn.
Dad had walking pneumonia in 2018 but bounced back pretty well from it. However, he kept having bathroom
issues and stomach problems, so he decided after consulting with his doctor to get a colonoscopy. He had no real
symptoms of illness. Dad has almost never been ill his entire life, so he expected whatever was going on would go
away maybe with a few antibiotics. It didn’t.
After the colonoscopy, the doctor went to see Mom and Dad and had very serious news. He told them that Dad had
colorectal cancer. Later, we would find out that it was stage four and had metastasized as well to his left lung.
Aggressive radiation treatment came next that left Dad in severe pain all the time and in the bathroom for hours at a
stretch. After that, things did not get better, but they moved on to chemotherapy anyway. Dad kept having to have
blood transfusions and he was getting weaker by the day. At this point, he was bedridden and had to have a
wheelchair to get around over any distance.
He consulted with the surgeon and a colostomy procedure was decided on and performed. It saved Dad’s life, got rid
of the pain and allowed him to resume an almost normal life. But the journey is still on-going.
There is still more chemotherapy ahead. The doctors are looking at doing a cyberknife procedure on the lung to get
rid of the tumor there. If it works, then there will be an operation to remove the colorectal tumor. Dad will be down
for two months after that as it is a very harsh surgery. But if they can’t get rid of the tumor in the lung, the surgeon
will not remove the colorectal tumor. He doesn’t want to put Dad through that rough a procedure if a cure is not in
the cards.
Things will go one of two ways... either this will cure Dad or he will remain on ongoing chemotherapy. We are
hoping for a cure but there is still a long way to go. As soon as treatment stops and my parents can go, they will go
back to Reno, NV to live and perhaps get another opinion depending on what happens here. They will fight for
Dad’s life all the way no matter what.
Their savings are gone and my Dad is fighting for his life. The medical bills even with insurance for this our
outrageous and piling up. Please help if you can. We appreciate any amount you can give.
Autumn Hamilton
Airway Heights, WA