Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Building fund

Garvey/Tubman Cultural Arts and Research Center is a 501(c) (3) not for profit community based organization created for charitable and educational purposes to assist at-risk , low income youth and adults
A permanent Arts and Cultural hub has been a long time goal of Co- founders Charles Scott, an experience youth development professional and community activist and John Crisp Jr , artist, musician, activist and art teacher.
The arts and enrichment programs are the core, engaging youth and adults in visual and creative expression through art and music.
We are intentionally standing on the shoulders of our ancestors striving to create a space for healing and discovery.
We ask that you stand with us.


Eliza Latrell
Springfield, IL
Garvey-Tubman Cultural Arts & Research Center Inc

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

  • Fácil

    Dona de forma rápida y sencilla

  • Eficaz

    Envía ayuda a la gente y las causas que te importan

  • Confiable

    Nuestro equipo de Confianza y protección trabaja día y noche para mantener segura a nuestra comunidad