RAM Free medical for all in Reno
Help us raise much needed money to Make the first EVER RAM event a success in Reno! All money goes directly to the event. This event will offer FREE Medical, Dental, and Vision to ANYONE in need. Attendees DO NOT even need to show insurance or any id. NO ONE will need to pay for any services. There are many people in Reno and the surrounding area that have no insurance or are under insured. Lets work together to make this a great event!
April 11-13
Information on RAM and how to volunteer can be found at www.ramusa.org
Our Philosophy
We see our organization as a part of a larger effort to bring together community members to address healthcare issues in their area and see those communities transformed for a better and healthier future.
To be the best in providing free clinic events which enhance quality of life through the delivery of competent and compassionate healthcare to those who are impoverished, isolated, and underserved without discrimination.
To prevent pain and alleviate suffering by providing free quality healthcare to those in need.